Curiosità, amenità e manie del mondo dei Graphic Designers
An editorial project that me and my class made for Accademia Cappiello.
K stands for black in CMYK, the last color of the four-color process and the first color to be printed.
What's KCN?
It's a graphic manual, in which 13 graphic designers talk about manias and behaviors of a typical graphic designer.
Everyone had to make a cover (for the blown cover page) and a vector portrait (for the credits page) connected to the instagram pages of all of us.
Dimension: 14,8 x 21 (A5)
N° of pages: 32
Visual: Photography/Illustrations/Infographics
Texts Editors: Federico Vannelli, Oxana Tamas, Serena Palmisano
Art director: Noemi Lalli
Layout: Noemi Lalli
Project Managers: Carmela Pignatelli (visual) / Jacopo Giovannoni (copy)
Cover: Federico Vannelli
Summary and introduction: Noemi Lalli
Vaphandol: Leandro Sgrò
Donne e Vettori: Federico Vannelli
Problemi di Carattere: Serena Palmisano
Non il Solito Rigore: Lisa Lovari
Un piatto si mangia due volte: Oxana Tamas
Non Aprite Quella Bocca: Chiara Formisano
Pack come Spesa: Francesca Ramacciotti
Donut come Do Not: Noemi Lalli
Fear and Loathing on my desk: Lucio Polito
Giornata_tipo_def_OK2.pdf: Corrado Boscarino / Giuseppe Critelli
Uncoated Love: Maria Elena Robino
Back cover: Noemi Lalli